Wednesday, 29 June 2016


WALT; write  phrases about food in Chinese.
I eat watermelon = Wo chi xi gau
I don't eat noodles = Wo bu chir mian tiao
I eat hamburgers = Wo chi han bao bao
I don't eat dumplings = Wo bu chi jiao zi
I eat strawberrys = Wo chi cao mei
I dont eat lamb chop = Wo bu chi yang rou
I eat bread = Wo chi mian bao
My Next step is to; learn more phrases that are harder and remember them.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Habitat And Species Assement

15/6/16 WALT; describe different habitats in NZ and species that live in them.

Success Criteria:
  1. Create a title.
  2. Write a general introduction.
  3. Use Subheadings -Each new topic is a new paragraph.
  4. Use facts written in your own words.
  5. Write a conclusion.
  6. Use descriptive verbs eg hovers.
  7. Use topic specific nouns eg kakapo, reptile
  8. Include technical words eg nocturnal, monotreme
  9. Write in present tense.
  10. Vary the sentence beginnings.
  11. Use complex sentences eg This long, sticky tongue secretes sticky glycoprotein rich mucus, which insects stick to readily.

The habitat i have chosen to learn more about is the New Zealand forest I have included four animals, one endemic, two native and one introduced.

The forest habitat has lots of amazing features. On the top layer of the forest there are the Kauri trees, Black Maire, Rimu, Totara and many more. In the middle there are small trees and bushes like KawaKawa, Wineberry and Mahou are some. On the forest floor there are native ferns, logs, and some moss. It is cooler on the forest floor and quite damp.

My Endemic animal that I have chosen is the Kakapo. It is quite large, deep green and the heaviest parrot in the world. Kakapos are have a nickname which is ‘night parrot’ as it feeds at night. They are not able to fly so they feed on berries, leaves and plant roots on the ground. It fits into the bird species as it has a beak, feathers and wings even though it can’t fly. Kakapos are herbivores so in the food-chain primary consumer. Kakapos are a nationally critical animal and there are only about 125 of them left.

The first native animal i have included is the Brown Kiwi. The Brown Kiwi as you would have guessed is a dark brown colour with light brown and cream streaks,. A fact about the kiwi is that it is the only bird in the world to have its nostrils at the end of its beak which helps sniff out and get worms from underground. It fits into the bird species because it has a beak, feathers and wings although it can’t fly. A similar species are Weka.The brown kiwi is restricted to food on the ground because it cannot fly, it’s main diet is small invertebrates such as earthworms, larvae of beetles, moths and small fruit or leaves. They are vulnerable and there is estimated to only have 25,000 left.

My second native animal is the fantail. Fantails have a black body, a yellow stomach with white streaks above their eyes and a long tail which opens into a fan shape. They fit into the bird species because they have feathers, a beak, wings and claws. A Fantails diet is mainly moths, spiders, wasps and flies although they can eat small amounts of fruit. Fantails are omnivores and on the food-chain they are secondary consumers. Luckily they are not threatened.

The Stoat is my introduced animal. They are normally brownish, a white stomach and a slim, long tail. Their main eaten prey is Rodents, Birds, Rabbits, Insects-mostly Weka and Possums.
Stoats fit onto the Mustelidae family because they have sharp claws, a slim body and small heads. They are far from endangered and are growing population nz but killing are native species as well.

All of these animals that i have written about have adapted to live life in the forest habitat.

My next step is; to vary my sentence beginnings and to add more descriptive words.

Describe different habitats in New  Zealand and species that live in them.



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Classify groups of species in the living world and describe different habitats.

I cannot identify objects/ideas associated with groups of species in the living world and I need help to group them and link them to their habitat.

I can identify one relevant group within the groups of species in the living world and 1 habitat they live in.

I can identify 1 animal in a species group and the habitat it lives in.

I can identify several relevant groups and or subgroups within the groups of species in the living world.
I can identify several animals from species groups and the habitats they live in.

I can give reasons why they live in this habitat  
I can identify several animals from species groups and the habitats they live in.  I can give reasons why they belong to this group.

I can identify several animals from species groups and the habitats they live in.  I can give reasons why they belong to this group.
I can give reasons why they live in this habitat.
I can look at these animals and habitats in a new way by showing my understanding through the art of Collage and a written description.  
Effective Strategies

1 animal, plant and aspect of habitat
3 or more animals, plants  and aspects of the habitat
3 or more animals, plants  and aspects the habitat. Written description of why animals are in their species groups and why they live in the habitat.
3 or more animals, plants  and aspects of the habitat. Written description of why animals are in their species groups and why they live in the habitat.
I can show this through my collage and my writing.                                                                                       

Assessment Task:
Part A: Create a collage of three animal species in their habitats.

Part B: Write paragraphs to describe the features of the animal and the habitat. Use the rubric to show understanding.

Draw/paint background to show the features of a habitat and collage an animal over it.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Te Reo Phrases

WALT: learn phrases about food in Maori and translate them into English.

Q;  He aha to tino kai ki a koe?- whats your favorite food?
A;  He aparo taku tino kai ki ahau- apples are my favorite food.
Q;  He pai ki a koe nga panana?- do you like banana's?
A.1 kao kaore i te pai ki ahau nga panana- no, i don't like banana's
A.2 ae, he pai ki ahau nga panana- yes, i like banana's

Next Step; know more phrases and pronounce every one correct.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

All About Snow Leopards

All About Snow Leopards

WALT; inform others about an animal or habitat through our writing. IALT; Use interesting words and phrases in my writing.
May 23, 2016 10:34:46 AM.jpg

Snow leopards are an amazing animal and I am writing this report so I could find out more about them.

Snow Leopards have a range of fur tones. They go from a white to a light yellowish colour, to a soft grey. Their fur is very thick, so they don’t freeze to death in the mountains. The claws on a Snow Leopard are large and have grips on them so they can run fast on the snowy mountains. Their lifespan in captivity is around 21 years, but people do not know how long they live for in the wild as they are sensitive animals. They are around 60 cm high at the shoulders and 35-55 .kgs
Image result for snow leopard

Their Habitat
Snow Leopards live in snow capped mountains in a few places. Some of these are; China, India and Nepal. The big cats can sense when there are humans are around. When scientists try to find out more about them some of them will start to be nocturnal and try not to be seen.

Image result for view of a snow leopards habitat
This is a map of where they live.
How Sociable Are They?
Sometimes a male and female might be seen together during mating season, or you might see a mother with her  cubs. Once the cubs are about 2 years old, they will begin to leave their mother and set out on their own.
The cats leave markings on the snow or rocks that other snow leopards will find. Snow Leopards will scrape the ground with their hind legs and spray urine against rocks to mark their territory.
Their Prey And Predators
Snow Leopards are carnivores. The Snow leopards will eat slowly, usually taking 3 or 4 days to eat an animal. During that time, the Snow Leopard will remain near the animal to defend the meal from scavengers like vultures and ravens.  They eat every few hours until the meal is bare. Snow leopards hunt a large animal every 8-10 days on average. Climate change is affecting these animals because the snow is melting and their prey is traveling up the mountain and there is a high demand for their fur. Snow Leopards can kill up to three times their weight!

I love these animals because they are so different to other wildcats, thank you for reading my report.
I think that I have reached my goal by using different and interesting words in my writing.
I think that I have achieved my goal by using different sentence beginnings, facts, subheadings and technical words in my writing.

By; Siobhan KennaImage result for little snow leopard with parent

Write: a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.



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Write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.

I need help to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.

I can write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. if I am prompted or directed.
I use several strategies to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. but I am not sure when and or why to use them.

(trial and error – aware of strategies but not sure why or when to use them so makes mistakes)
I use several strategies to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. and I know when and why to use them.

(strategic or purposeful use of strategies – knows why and when ).
I use several strategies to write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world. and I know when and why to use them.
I seek feedback on how to improve how I can write a report informing our readers about a living creature in the natural world.
Effective Strategies
[insert strategies suggested by students and teachers]
Success Criteria:
  1. Create a title.
  2. Write a general introduction.
  3. Use Subheadings -Each new topic is a new paragraph.
  4. Use facts written in your own words.
  5. Write a conclusion.
  6. Use descriptive verbs eg hovers.
  7. Use topic specific nouns eg kakapo, reptile
  8. Include technical words eg nocturnal, monotreme
  9. Write in present tense.
  10. Vary the sentence beginnings.
  11. Use complex sentences eg This long, sticky tongue secretes sticky glycoprotein rich mucus, which insects stick to readily.